by Spencer Heckathorn | Docker
In a way this is a “Hello World” of sorts. But if you have spent any time with integrating a new technology into your stack you might have had some issues doing so. That is to be expected. So here are some basic helpful tips I have found so far as...
by Spencer Heckathorn | reviews
If you have been looking for a WordPress theme then the one you should be looking at is Divi. (Que Mic Drop) Ok, I know a little dramatic, but if you have been looking for a versatile WordPress theme that is both clean and powerful. Divi would be the right fit for...
by Spencer Heckathorn | General Update
I know you have not heard from me in a long time. I have not forgotten about you at all or anything like that, just been hard at work :)Many of you know I took a job with Techsico. I really like being able to say in a way, “I’m the IT guy for IT...
by Spencer Heckathorn | Blog, Uncategorized
So just looking through my sites and getting a feel for what is out there. I realize I have not posted in over a year! Wow to think it has been so long. Here’s the deal. I’ve been posting on other sites and doing other things. Work has kept me very busy...
by Spencer Heckathorn | WordPress
Building a website is easy when you know the right steps. I have a video I am making that shows you from start to finish. If you want to get started before the video is done I have a special offer I got from Bluehost! They are going to pay me a little and help support...
by Spencer Heckathorn | Marketing
I will be adding a video about this later, but for now, check out this video I found which talks about everything you need to know to make and customize your Facebook group.
by Spencer Heckathorn | WordPress
Check out the video below to get started with your Free WordPress website. I will add more information to this post later and based on your feedback may produce another video to replace this one. Thank you!
by Spencer Heckathorn | Marketing
You can easily sell this system to businesses and entrepreneurs with very little effort! Today you are in luck because I am going to help make you an affiliate of Click Funnels!!! Click here to get started with ClickFunnels or keep reading to learn more. This...
by Spencer Heckathorn | Growth
In business and life, we think of others as competitors but often fail to realize we can be our own worst enemy. When you seem to be getting behind others be it a business or another person it could be due to them doing something better than you are. However, However,...
by Spencer Heckathorn | Uncategorized Click the link above to check it out.